Thursday, February 13, 2014

Going back to my elementary days

When the assignment was first given, I thought to myself that this would be easy. But my memory has failed me. I thought I would be able to remember more about what was in our refrigerator than I did. The most important thing to have in our refrigerator was milk. Being in a family of 6 we often had two gallons in the refrigerator at a time. This helped us avoid the controversy of someone finishing the milk and pissing anyone else off who wanted cereal for breakfast. This still managed to happen regularly. Another issue that would come up is when ever we had snacks in the refrigerator; Once in a while my parents would buy pudding or a sweet like that and it would be a free for all. Again almost always causing some sort of drama. It is interesting that I can only remember the foods I would grab the most and not the fruits or vegetables that I am sure were in the bottom drawer like they are now.

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