Sunday, April 27, 2014

Last Meal

Last meal on Earth? Without hesitation: feta sesame pizza with a honey drizzle.

Kidding (though it was delicious). Honestly, I have never thought of my choice for a last meal and I didn't think it would be a hard decision. I would start with a dinner salad, 86 the dressing. Then make my way to my favorite food: pasta. As per the type, easy, rigatoni. Dessert was the hardest decision. As I contemplated this question, I was thinking I would go for a slice of apple pie or maybe little bit of ice cream. But then I thought, a slice? A scoop? Who am I kidding? Scratch that, gimme the whole pie and tub of Ben & Jerry's Hazed and Confused® and I'll decide when I'm done. And scratch the salad too. Just out of principle. In one of the most famous case of a last meal, the Last Supper, I don't think Jesus skimped out on the food he liked.

I think good meal isn't all about the food. Some of the best meals I've ever had were eating PBJ's on top of an Adirondack mountain or a bowl of microwaved mac and cheese in the dorms. Food is about half of the equation, the other half would be the people to share it with. Since it seems I have complete control this meal in my hypothetical situation, I would put everybody I've ever known there. And the president. Why settle?

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